(2010, en, 2100 pg)
For devoted gamers as well as those interested in groundbreaking graphic design, this is the first, most comprehensive, and only critical guide ever published to video games. The video game has arrived as entertainment and as an art form. This is the first serious critical evaluation ever published of the best video games and is a testament to the medium’s innovativeness and increasing emphasis on aesthetics. Organized chronologically and for all platforms (PC, Xbox, PlayStation, etc.) and covering all genres from the bold (Grand Theft Auto and Halo) and dark (Resident Evil and Silent Hill) to the spiritual (Final Fantasy) and whimsical (Legend of Zelda), the book traces the video game from the rough early days of Pong to the latest visual fantasia.
luni, 1 octombrie 2012
Robert P. Murphy - Chaos Theory
(77pg, en, 2002)
A short, self-published work composed of two essays on market anarchy; one discussing the production of defense services, and one describing the provision of private criminal and civil justice.
A short, self-published work composed of two essays on market anarchy; one discussing the production of defense services, and one describing the provision of private criminal and civil justice.
duminică, 26 august 2012
Sven Hasel - Moarte și viscol
(1976, ro, 176pg)
"Operatiunea Barbarossa", denumirea de cod a invaziei naziste in fosta Uniune Sovietica, declansata de Hitler pe 22 iunie 1941, se parea ca are sorti de izbanda. De altfel, in primele batalii, rusii au pierdut peste 3300 de tancuri si circa 90 la suta din avioane le-au fost distruse la sol.Hitler, strategul "Blitzkriegului", da ordin ca
"Operatiunea Typhon", planul de cucerire a Moscovei, sa se deruleze in doar trei saptamani. Atata doar ca, aidoma lui Napoleon, "geniul" Fuhrerului n-a luat in calcul timpuria iarna ruseasca. Prima zapada, cazuta in 10 octombrie si cumplitul crivat au facut ca armata germana sa sufere o prima mare infrangere. Uleiul ingheta in arme, soldatii, in uniforme de vara, se protejau punandu-si tifon pe fata si ziare pe sub vestoane. Macelul continua insa: peste tot, halci de carne sangeranda si insuportabila duhoare de hoit.
Un milion o suta de mii de morti si raniti au fost pierderile armatei germane la numai 120 km de portile Moscovei, iar 5 decembrie 1941 a fost consemnata in istorie drept ziua dezastrului "Operatiunii Typhon". Ironia sortii face ca, retragandu-se, Sven sa fie ranit nu de arma unui rus, ci de aceea a unui neamt. Ranit la randul lui, de pe patul spitalului, Porta pune punct campaniei din Rusia in maniera-i caracteristica: cu un vant rasunator.
"Operatiunea Barbarossa", denumirea de cod a invaziei naziste in fosta Uniune Sovietica, declansata de Hitler pe 22 iunie 1941, se parea ca are sorti de izbanda. De altfel, in primele batalii, rusii au pierdut peste 3300 de tancuri si circa 90 la suta din avioane le-au fost distruse la sol.Hitler, strategul "Blitzkriegului", da ordin ca
"Operatiunea Typhon", planul de cucerire a Moscovei, sa se deruleze in doar trei saptamani. Atata doar ca, aidoma lui Napoleon, "geniul" Fuhrerului n-a luat in calcul timpuria iarna ruseasca. Prima zapada, cazuta in 10 octombrie si cumplitul crivat au facut ca armata germana sa sufere o prima mare infrangere. Uleiul ingheta in arme, soldatii, in uniforme de vara, se protejau punandu-si tifon pe fata si ziare pe sub vestoane. Macelul continua insa: peste tot, halci de carne sangeranda si insuportabila duhoare de hoit.
Un milion o suta de mii de morti si raniti au fost pierderile armatei germane la numai 120 km de portile Moscovei, iar 5 decembrie 1941 a fost consemnata in istorie drept ziua dezastrului "Operatiunii Typhon". Ironia sortii face ca, retragandu-se, Sven sa fie ranit nu de arma unui rus, ci de aceea a unui neamt. Ranit la randul lui, de pe patul spitalului, Porta pune punct campaniei din Rusia in maniera-i caracteristica: cu un vant rasunator.
joi, 9 august 2012
William Saito - An unprogramed life
William Saito - An unprogramed life
(2012, en, 257pg)
The extraordinary story of a child prodigy and his remarkable entrepreneurial accomplishments
If anyone has "been there, done that" in starting and managing businesses, it's William Saito. Saito is a truly unique personality, and his remarkable story, An Unprogrammed Life, is the compelling tale of a young entrepreneur. More than just a high-tech autobiography or how-to guide, the book is the extraordinary story of a self-taught genius who became a savvy, serial business success story. Founder of multiple profitable companies, Saito now devotes himself to helping others to do the same.
This book chronicles the journey of Saito from a young computer nerd programming stock market trading algorithms for a major broker at the age of ten, to selling three separate companies to Microsoft and becoming one of the world's foremost experts on data security. Saito's story focuses on his two key passions—entrepreneurship and data security. An authority in encryption, authentication, and biometric technology, he is determined to fight the never-ending battle to secure personal and corporate information from criminals, terrorists, and rogue nations. The book provides a peek into the author's work with anti-terrorism and anti-crime units and the threats to personal and corporate security posed by ordinary cell phones, office copiers, and laptop PCs.
(2012, en, 257pg)
The extraordinary story of a child prodigy and his remarkable entrepreneurial accomplishments
If anyone has "been there, done that" in starting and managing businesses, it's William Saito. Saito is a truly unique personality, and his remarkable story, An Unprogrammed Life, is the compelling tale of a young entrepreneur. More than just a high-tech autobiography or how-to guide, the book is the extraordinary story of a self-taught genius who became a savvy, serial business success story. Founder of multiple profitable companies, Saito now devotes himself to helping others to do the same.
This book chronicles the journey of Saito from a young computer nerd programming stock market trading algorithms for a major broker at the age of ten, to selling three separate companies to Microsoft and becoming one of the world's foremost experts on data security. Saito's story focuses on his two key passions—entrepreneurship and data security. An authority in encryption, authentication, and biometric technology, he is determined to fight the never-ending battle to secure personal and corporate information from criminals, terrorists, and rogue nations. The book provides a peek into the author's work with anti-terrorism and anti-crime units and the threats to personal and corporate security posed by ordinary cell phones, office copiers, and laptop PCs.
Bill Bryson - In a sunburned country
Bill Bryson - In a sunburned country
(en, 287pg, 2001)
Every time Bill Bryson walks out the door, memorable travel literature threatens to break out. His previous excursion along the Appalachian Trail resulted in the sublime national bestseller A Walk in the Woods. In A Sunburned Country is his report on what he found in an entirely different place: Australia, the country that doubles as a continent, and a place with the friendliest inhabitants, the hottest, driest weather, and the most peculiar and lethal wildlife to be found on the planet. The result is a deliciously funny, fact-filled, and adventurous performance by a writer who combines humor, wonder, and unflagging curiousity.
Despite the fact that Australia harbors more things that can kill you in extremely nasty ways than anywhere else, including sharks, crocodiles, snakes, even riptides and deserts, Bill Bryson adores the place, and he takes his readers on a rollicking ride far beyond that beaten tourist path. Wherever he goes he finds Australians who are cheerful, extroverted, and unfailingly obliging, and these beaming products of land with clean, safe cities, cold beer, and constant sunshine fill the pages of this wonderful book. Australia is an immense and fortunate land, and it has found in Bill Bryson its perfect guide
(en, 287pg, 2001)
Every time Bill Bryson walks out the door, memorable travel literature threatens to break out. His previous excursion along the Appalachian Trail resulted in the sublime national bestseller A Walk in the Woods. In A Sunburned Country is his report on what he found in an entirely different place: Australia, the country that doubles as a continent, and a place with the friendliest inhabitants, the hottest, driest weather, and the most peculiar and lethal wildlife to be found on the planet. The result is a deliciously funny, fact-filled, and adventurous performance by a writer who combines humor, wonder, and unflagging curiousity.
Despite the fact that Australia harbors more things that can kill you in extremely nasty ways than anywhere else, including sharks, crocodiles, snakes, even riptides and deserts, Bill Bryson adores the place, and he takes his readers on a rollicking ride far beyond that beaten tourist path. Wherever he goes he finds Australians who are cheerful, extroverted, and unfailingly obliging, and these beaming products of land with clean, safe cities, cold beer, and constant sunshine fill the pages of this wonderful book. Australia is an immense and fortunate land, and it has found in Bill Bryson its perfect guide
vineri, 20 iulie 2012
Ray Bradbury - Farenheit 451
Ray Bradbury - Farenheit 451
(ro, 279pg, 1953)
451º Fahrenheit (cu titlul original în limba engleză Fahrenheit 451) este un roman aparținând genului Science fiction scris de autorul american Ray Bradbury și publicat în anul 1953.
Romanul prezintă o societate futuristă în care cărțile sunt interzise, iar pompierii au rolul de a găsi și arde cărțile. Titlul provine de la temperatura la care se aprinde hârtia obișnuită, și anume 451 °F ≈ 233 °C.
(ro, 279pg, 1953)
451º Fahrenheit (cu titlul original în limba engleză Fahrenheit 451) este un roman aparținând genului Science fiction scris de autorul american Ray Bradbury și publicat în anul 1953.
Romanul prezintă o societate futuristă în care cărțile sunt interzise, iar pompierii au rolul de a găsi și arde cărțile. Titlul provine de la temperatura la care se aprinde hârtia obișnuită, și anume 451 °F ≈ 233 °C.
Chuck Palahniuk - Fight Club
Chuck Palahniuk - Fight Club
(en, 168pg, 1996)
Fight Club is a 1996 novel by Chuck Palahniuk. It follows the experiences of an unnamed protagonist struggling with insomnia. Inspired by his doctor's exasperated remark that insomnia is not suffering, he finds relief by impersonating a seriously ill person in several support groups. Then he meets a mysterious man named Tyler Durden and establishes an underground fighting club as radical psychotherapy.
In 1999, director David Fincher adapted the novel into a film of the same name, starring Brad Pitt and Edward Norton. The film acquired a cult following despite lower than expected box-office results. The film's prominence heightened the profile of the novel and that of Palahniuk
(en, 168pg, 1996)
Fight Club is a 1996 novel by Chuck Palahniuk. It follows the experiences of an unnamed protagonist struggling with insomnia. Inspired by his doctor's exasperated remark that insomnia is not suffering, he finds relief by impersonating a seriously ill person in several support groups. Then he meets a mysterious man named Tyler Durden and establishes an underground fighting club as radical psychotherapy.
In 1999, director David Fincher adapted the novel into a film of the same name, starring Brad Pitt and Edward Norton. The film acquired a cult following despite lower than expected box-office results. The film's prominence heightened the profile of the novel and that of Palahniuk
miercuri, 27 iunie 2012
Frank Herbert - Ciuma Albă
(1982, ro, 563pg)
Intr-un timp prezent oarecare (cartea a fost scrisa in 1982 iar actiunea se petrece in 1996), John Roe O'Neill, expert in biologie moleculara, trece printr-un eveniment teribil: familia ii este ucisa intr-un atentat terorist cu bomba comis de IRA. Cu mintea ravasita, O’Neill nu se mai poate gandi decat la un sigur lucru: razbunarea! Iar razbunarea este pe masura capacitatilor mentale si cunostintelor lui O’Neill, precum si pe masura durerii lui, astfel ca biologul hotaraste sa dea o lectie intregii umanitati. Folosindu-se de cunostintele lui el creaza (prin manipulare genetica) un virus mortal, dar mortal numai pentru femei; barbatii nu sunt afectati, dar sunt purtatori. Virusul este creat si “eliberat” in lume, iar femeile incep sa moara...
Pe langa actiunea in sine, Frank Herbert descrie cu
maiestrie (si in stil caracteristic, as zice eu) trairile personajului, conflictele lui interne fata de ceea ce face, dar si reactia lumii inconjuratoare (de la oameni simpli la conducatori de state) in fata unei crize mondiale fara precedent care ameninta sa distruga rapid si definitiv specia umana. Cum ar reactiona omenirea in asemenea situatie? Ar merge oare pana la sterilizarea completa (folosind arme nucleare) a unui teritoriu puternic afectat? “Sarea si piperul” sunt ca de obicei micile detalii (de exemplu, pentru a-si raspandi virusul in lume, O’Neill se foloseste de bani pe care ii trimite sub forma de donatii in toate partile lumii, stiind ca nimeni nu ii va refuza)
(Sursa: ocartedincandincand )
Intr-un timp prezent oarecare (cartea a fost scrisa in 1982 iar actiunea se petrece in 1996), John Roe O'Neill, expert in biologie moleculara, trece printr-un eveniment teribil: familia ii este ucisa intr-un atentat terorist cu bomba comis de IRA. Cu mintea ravasita, O’Neill nu se mai poate gandi decat la un sigur lucru: razbunarea! Iar razbunarea este pe masura capacitatilor mentale si cunostintelor lui O’Neill, precum si pe masura durerii lui, astfel ca biologul hotaraste sa dea o lectie intregii umanitati. Folosindu-se de cunostintele lui el creaza (prin manipulare genetica) un virus mortal, dar mortal numai pentru femei; barbatii nu sunt afectati, dar sunt purtatori. Virusul este creat si “eliberat” in lume, iar femeile incep sa moara...
Pe langa actiunea in sine, Frank Herbert descrie cu
maiestrie (si in stil caracteristic, as zice eu) trairile personajului, conflictele lui interne fata de ceea ce face, dar si reactia lumii inconjuratoare (de la oameni simpli la conducatori de state) in fata unei crize mondiale fara precedent care ameninta sa distruga rapid si definitiv specia umana. Cum ar reactiona omenirea in asemenea situatie? Ar merge oare pana la sterilizarea completa (folosind arme nucleare) a unui teritoriu puternic afectat? “Sarea si piperul” sunt ca de obicei micile detalii (de exemplu, pentru a-si raspandi virusul in lume, O’Neill se foloseste de bani pe care ii trimite sub forma de donatii in toate partile lumii, stiind ca nimeni nu ii va refuza)
(Sursa: ocartedincandincand )
miercuri, 6 iunie 2012
Dan Brown - Digital Fortress
(1998, en, 249pg)
When the United States National Security Agency's code-breaking supercomputer (TRANSLTR) encounters a new and complex code—Digital Fortress—that it cannot break, Commander Trevor Strathmore calls in Susan Fletcher, their head cryptographer, to crack it. She discovers that it was written by Ensei Tankado, a former NSA employee who became displeased with the NSA's intrusion into people's private lives. Tankado intends to auction the code's algorithm on his website and have his partner, "NDAKOTA", release it for free if he dies. Essentially holding the NSA hostage, the agency is determined to stop Digital Fortress from becoming a threat to national security.
When Tankado does indeed die in Seville, of what appears to be a heart attack, Strathmore asks David Becker (Susan's fiancé) to travel to Seville and recover a ring that Tankado was wearing when he died. The ring is suspected to have the code that unlocks Digital Fortress. However, Becker soon discovers that Tankado gave the ring away immediately before his death. Each person he questions in the search for the ring is murdered by Hulohot, a mysterious assassin.
Meanwhile, telephone calls between "North Dakota" and Numataka (chairman of a large computer company in Tokyo) reveal that North Dakota hired Hulohot to kill Tankado in order to gain access to the passcode on his ring and speed up the release of the algorithm. At the NSA, Fletcher's investigation leads her to believe that Greg Hale, a fellow NSA employee, is North Dakota. Phil Chartrukian, an NSA technician who is unaware of the Digital Fortress code breaking failure and believes Digital Fortress to be a virus, conducts his own investigation into whether Strathmore allowed Digital Fortress to bypass Gauntlet (NSA's virus/worm filter). However, Chartrukian is murdered in the sub-levels of TRANSLTR by an unknown assailant. Since Hale and Strathmore were both in the sub-levels, Fletcher assumes that Hale is the killer; however, Hale claims that he witnessed Strathmore killing Chartrukian. Chartrukian's death by falling off a balcony also damages TRANSLTR's cooling system.
Hale holds Fletcher and Strathmore hostage to prevent himself from being arrested for the murder. It is then that Hale explains that the e-mail he supposedly "received" from Tankado was actually in his inbox because he was snooping on Strathmore, who was also watching Tankado's e-mail account. After the encounter, Hale's name is cleared when Fletcher discovers through a tracer that North Dakota and Ensei Tankado are actually the same person, as "NDAKOTA" is an anagram of "Tankado". Strathmore's role as the primary antagonist is revealed when Strathmore fatally shoots Hale, and arranges it to appear as a suicide. Susan later discovers through Strathmore's pager that he is the one who hired Hulohot. Becker later kills Hulohot in a violent confrontation.
When the United States National Security Agency's code-breaking supercomputer (TRANSLTR) encounters a new and complex code—Digital Fortress—that it cannot break, Commander Trevor Strathmore calls in Susan Fletcher, their head cryptographer, to crack it. She discovers that it was written by Ensei Tankado, a former NSA employee who became displeased with the NSA's intrusion into people's private lives. Tankado intends to auction the code's algorithm on his website and have his partner, "NDAKOTA", release it for free if he dies. Essentially holding the NSA hostage, the agency is determined to stop Digital Fortress from becoming a threat to national security.
When Tankado does indeed die in Seville, of what appears to be a heart attack, Strathmore asks David Becker (Susan's fiancé) to travel to Seville and recover a ring that Tankado was wearing when he died. The ring is suspected to have the code that unlocks Digital Fortress. However, Becker soon discovers that Tankado gave the ring away immediately before his death. Each person he questions in the search for the ring is murdered by Hulohot, a mysterious assassin.
Meanwhile, telephone calls between "North Dakota" and Numataka (chairman of a large computer company in Tokyo) reveal that North Dakota hired Hulohot to kill Tankado in order to gain access to the passcode on his ring and speed up the release of the algorithm. At the NSA, Fletcher's investigation leads her to believe that Greg Hale, a fellow NSA employee, is North Dakota. Phil Chartrukian, an NSA technician who is unaware of the Digital Fortress code breaking failure and believes Digital Fortress to be a virus, conducts his own investigation into whether Strathmore allowed Digital Fortress to bypass Gauntlet (NSA's virus/worm filter). However, Chartrukian is murdered in the sub-levels of TRANSLTR by an unknown assailant. Since Hale and Strathmore were both in the sub-levels, Fletcher assumes that Hale is the killer; however, Hale claims that he witnessed Strathmore killing Chartrukian. Chartrukian's death by falling off a balcony also damages TRANSLTR's cooling system.
Hale holds Fletcher and Strathmore hostage to prevent himself from being arrested for the murder. It is then that Hale explains that the e-mail he supposedly "received" from Tankado was actually in his inbox because he was snooping on Strathmore, who was also watching Tankado's e-mail account. After the encounter, Hale's name is cleared when Fletcher discovers through a tracer that North Dakota and Ensei Tankado are actually the same person, as "NDAKOTA" is an anagram of "Tankado". Strathmore's role as the primary antagonist is revealed when Strathmore fatally shoots Hale, and arranges it to appear as a suicide. Susan later discovers through Strathmore's pager that he is the one who hired Hulohot. Becker later kills Hulohot in a violent confrontation.
marți, 22 mai 2012
Ian Mc Evan - Câinii negri
(1999, ro, 139pg)
„Voiam să-i mai prind cât timp se iubeau, până nu-şi începeau cearta de o viaţă”, lasă să-i scape Jeremy, protagonistul romanului Câinii negri, de Ian McEwan, Polirom, 2006, ajuns pe panta descendentă a naraţiunii, când povestea de dragoste a socrilor săi – pentru el, orfan de la vârsta de 10 ani, adevăraţi părinţi – se transformă într-o frescă de epocă ce cuprinde anii 1946–1989. La începutul acesteia, June şi Bernard pleacă în luna de miere în Italia şi Franţa, după ce tocmai s-au înscris în Partidul Comunist din Marea Britanie.
„Ori de câte ori discutam despre lumea înconjurătoare, ajungeam la comunism. Comunismul era obsesia noastră numărul doi”, îşi aminteşte, pe patul de suferinţă, June – după patru decenii. Se întâmplă însă, la doar câteva luni de la înscrierea în partid, să trăiască o experienţă cumplită – este atacată, în munţi, de doi câini negri, aceeaşi câini negri ai Gestapo-ului, dresaţi special, care o violaseră pe biata Danielle –, experienţă pe care June o rezumă astfel: „Am întâlnit răul şi l-am descoperit pe Dumnezeu”. După care părăseşte partidul şi se îndepărtează de soţ.
Mai raţionalist, Bernard trebuie să trăiască o serie de decepţii, înainte de a-i urma exemplul. „Am ieşit în ’56, era cât pe-aici să ies în ’53, dar ar fi trebuit s-o fac în ’48”, i se confesează el ginerelui, asistând ambii la căderea Zidului berlinez. Peste ani, bătrânul se va întoarce mereu la acea ruptură: „Asta-i diferenţa dintre mine şi June. Ea a ieşit din partid cu mult înaintea mea, dar de clacat, n-a clacat niciodată, fiindcă nu făcea o distincţie clară între fantezie şi realitate. N-a făcut decât să schimbe un gen de utopie cu altul. Preoteasă sau politiciană, totuna pentru ea.”
Închei aici, chit că întrebarea lui Bernard nu are să mă lase să închid un ochi: „Ce lucru bun mai putea ieşi din continentul european (…), când a uita era inuman şi periculos, iar a-ţi aminti însemna un chin perpetuu?”.
„Voiam să-i mai prind cât timp se iubeau, până nu-şi începeau cearta de o viaţă”, lasă să-i scape Jeremy, protagonistul romanului Câinii negri, de Ian McEwan, Polirom, 2006, ajuns pe panta descendentă a naraţiunii, când povestea de dragoste a socrilor săi – pentru el, orfan de la vârsta de 10 ani, adevăraţi părinţi – se transformă într-o frescă de epocă ce cuprinde anii 1946–1989. La începutul acesteia, June şi Bernard pleacă în luna de miere în Italia şi Franţa, după ce tocmai s-au înscris în Partidul Comunist din Marea Britanie.
„Ori de câte ori discutam despre lumea înconjurătoare, ajungeam la comunism. Comunismul era obsesia noastră numărul doi”, îşi aminteşte, pe patul de suferinţă, June – după patru decenii. Se întâmplă însă, la doar câteva luni de la înscrierea în partid, să trăiască o experienţă cumplită – este atacată, în munţi, de doi câini negri, aceeaşi câini negri ai Gestapo-ului, dresaţi special, care o violaseră pe biata Danielle –, experienţă pe care June o rezumă astfel: „Am întâlnit răul şi l-am descoperit pe Dumnezeu”. După care părăseşte partidul şi se îndepărtează de soţ.
Mai raţionalist, Bernard trebuie să trăiască o serie de decepţii, înainte de a-i urma exemplul. „Am ieşit în ’56, era cât pe-aici să ies în ’53, dar ar fi trebuit s-o fac în ’48”, i se confesează el ginerelui, asistând ambii la căderea Zidului berlinez. Peste ani, bătrânul se va întoarce mereu la acea ruptură: „Asta-i diferenţa dintre mine şi June. Ea a ieşit din partid cu mult înaintea mea, dar de clacat, n-a clacat niciodată, fiindcă nu făcea o distincţie clară între fantezie şi realitate. N-a făcut decât să schimbe un gen de utopie cu altul. Preoteasă sau politiciană, totuna pentru ea.”
Închei aici, chit că întrebarea lui Bernard nu are să mă lase să închid un ochi: „Ce lucru bun mai putea ieşi din continentul european (…), când a uita era inuman şi periculos, iar a-ţi aminti însemna un chin perpetuu?”.
Jack Higgins - Pactul cu diavolul
(1982, ro, 403pg)
Exista o veche zicala irlandeza: cel ce cu diavolul se insoteste nu se mai opreste. Si nimeni nu stie acest lucru mai bine decat Liam Devlin, personaj cu care cititorii romani au facut cunostinta in Vulturul a aterizat. Dupa ce in 1943 a fost implicat in tentativa de rapire a lui Churchill de catre Abwehr, a fost apoi unul dintre capii IRA, iata-l acum, linistit profesor la Trinity College din Dublin, colaborand cu serviciul secret britanic pentru a da de urma unui primejdios terorist care lucreaza pentru KGB.
Este vorba despre o poveste de actiune captivanta, cu situatii limita si personaje de o inteligenta diabolica. Pentru a intelege mai bine actiunea trebuie sa avem idee si de putina istorie contemporana, dar simpla placere de a citi este de ajuns. O carte in stilul clasic a lui Higgins. Cine a mai citit carti ale acestui autor stie la ce ma refer. Oricum, recomand aceasta lectura cu toata increderea.
Exista o veche zicala irlandeza: cel ce cu diavolul se insoteste nu se mai opreste. Si nimeni nu stie acest lucru mai bine decat Liam Devlin, personaj cu care cititorii romani au facut cunostinta in Vulturul a aterizat. Dupa ce in 1943 a fost implicat in tentativa de rapire a lui Churchill de catre Abwehr, a fost apoi unul dintre capii IRA, iata-l acum, linistit profesor la Trinity College din Dublin, colaborand cu serviciul secret britanic pentru a da de urma unui primejdios terorist care lucreaza pentru KGB.
Este vorba despre o poveste de actiune captivanta, cu situatii limita si personaje de o inteligenta diabolica. Pentru a intelege mai bine actiunea trebuie sa avem idee si de putina istorie contemporana, dar simpla placere de a citi este de ajuns. O carte in stilul clasic a lui Higgins. Cine a mai citit carti ale acestui autor stie la ce ma refer. Oricum, recomand aceasta lectura cu toata increderea.
luni, 14 mai 2012
A.E.Van Vogt - Soarele subteran
A.E.Van Vogt - Soarele subteran
(1979, ro, 124pg)Pământul a ajuns sub stăpânirea blajinilor extratereștrii utt, care au ajuns la concluzia că problemele omenirii sunt cauzate de bărbați. În consecință, ei provoacă miopia tuturor bărbaților și îi obligă pe aceștia să poarte ochelari chimici care îi transformă în ființe pașnice și supuse.
Fizicianul Peter Grayson are un accident în timpul căruia ochelarii îi sunt afectați și, treptat, conștiința masculină se trezește în el. Evenimentele se precipită și, după ce este contactat de un grup care se autointitulează Revoluția, Grayson este arestat. El este închis într-o închisoare subterană în care soarele albastru al planetei utt-ilor este legat printr-o tehnologie necunoscută de planeta Pământ, iar acolo își dă seama că își dă seama că nu dorește nici să mai rămână supus în fața condiționării utt, nici să lupte de partea Revoluției prost organizate.
Folosindu-și cunoștințele de fizică, el evadează din închisoarea subterană și ajunge la stația orbitală care îi permite să stabilească legătura cu utt-ii și cu servitorii acestora, orsoliții, posesori ai unor tehnologii nemaivăzute. Deși aflat aparent în dezavantaj, Grayson reușește să negocieze niște condiții favorabile pentru Pământ și locuitorii acestora.
luni, 7 mai 2012
Terry Pratchett - The Colour of Magic
Terry Pratchett - The Colour of Magic
(1983, en, 170pg)The main character is an incompetent and cynical wizard named Rincewind. He involuntarily becomes a guide to the rich but naive tourist from the Agatean Empire, Twoflower. Forced to flee the city of Ankh-Morpork to escape a terrible fire that was caused by a bartender who misunderstood the concept of insurance, which Twoflower told him about, they begin on a journey across the Disc.
Unknown to them, their journey is controlled by the Gods playing a board game. Rincewind and Twoflower are controlled by the Lady, and is pitted against the champions of Zephyrus, the god of slight breezes, Fate and Offler the Crocodile God, in the game supervised by Blind Io. The duo face a mountain troll and are separated. The ignorant Twoflower ends up being led to the Temple of Bel-Shamharoth, and Rincewind ends up in a tree-nymph inhabited tree. Rincewind manages to escape while the tree-nymphs try to kill him and is reunited with the tourist. Together with Hrun the Barbarian, they escape from the Temple of Bel-Shamharoth the Soul Eater, which collapses. Later, Hrun agrees to travel with and protect Twoflower and Rincewind in exchange for Heroic pictures of him from Twoflower's magical picture box.
They visit Wyrmberg, an upside-down mountain which is home to dragons that only exist in the imagination. The names of the dragons' riders feature punctuation in the middle, making reference and parody of the Dragonriders of Pern series by Anne McCaffrey. They nearly go over the waterfall on the edge of the Disc, only to be rescued and taken to the country of Krull, a city perched on the very edge of the Discworld inhabited by hydrophobic wizards. The Krullians wish to discover the gender of Great A'Tuin, the giant turtle which carries the Discworld through space, so they have built a space capsule to launch over the Edge. They intend on sacrificing Rincewind and Twoflower to get Fate to smile on the voyage. Instead, Rincewind, Twoflower and Tethis the sea troll hijack the capsule in an attempt to escape and are launched off the Disc themselves.
Steve Fox, Paul Armentano - Marijuana is Safer: So Why Are We Driving People to Drink?
Steve Fox, Paul Armentano - Marijuana is Safer: So Why Are We Driving People to Drink?
(2009, en, 241pg)Nationally recognized marijuana-policy experts Steve Fox, Paul Armentano, and Mason Tvert compare and contrast the relative harms and legal status of the two most popular recreational substances in the world--marijuana and alcohol. Through an objective examination of the two drugs and the laws and social practices that steer people toward alcohol, the authors pose a simple yet rarely considered question: Why do we punish adults who make the rational, safer choice to use marijuana instead of alcohol?
Marijuana Is Safer reaches for a broad audience. For those unfamiliar with marijuana, it provides an introduction to the cannabis plant and its effects on the user, and debunks some of the government's most frequently cited marijuana myths. For current and aspiring advocates of marijuana-law reform, as well as anyone else who is interested in what is becoming a major political battle, the authors spell out why the message that marijuana is safer than alcohol must be a prominent part of the public debate over legalization.
Most importantly, for the millions of Americans who want to advance the cause of marijuana-policy reform--or simply want to defend their own personal, safer choice--this book provides the talking points and detailed information needed to make persuasive arguments to friends, family, coworkers, and elected officials.
Cary McNeal - 1,001 Facts that Will Scare the S#*t Out of You: The Ultimate Bathroom Reader
Cary McNeal - 1,001 Facts that Will Scare the S#*t Out of You: The Ultimate Bathroom Reader
(2010, en, 312pg)
Fact: The most germ-laden place on your toilet isn't the seat or even the bowl:It's the handle.
"The solution: Don't flush. Let the next guy worry about it."
There are "just the facts"--and then there are just the facts that will frighten the bejeezus out of you. And thanks to this little gem of a bathroom book, you'll never look at the world the same way again, without, er, dry heaving a little bit.
From the sneaky fish that can swim up our genitals to the e coli bacteria lurking in the very water we drink, disturbing phenomena are everywhere we turn. Educational, entertaining, and undeniably horrifying, this book isn't guaranteed to help you, um, go to the bathroom, but it's certain to make your time there more . . . informed.
miercuri, 18 aprilie 2012
The Mammoth Book of the Best of Best New SF
The Mammoth Book of the Best of Best New SF
(2008, en)
Hugo Award-winning editor Gardner Dozois’ annual anthology has long been considered the standard by which other best-of-the-year SF collections are judged. After two decades’ worth of superlative science fiction, Dozois now presents a retrospective compilation culling from the last 20 years. Here under one banner is some of the finest work by the genre's leading authors, with a star-studded list of contributors that features among others: Stephen Baxter, Greg Bear, William Gibson, Terry Bisson, Greg Egan, Ursula K. Le Guin, Robert Reed, Robert Silverberg, Bruce Sterling , Charles Stross, Michael Swanwick, Gene Wolfe. A number of the selections are now considered classics. Some notable stories include: ‘Blood Music’, Greg Bear's Hugo-winning exploration of nanotechnology. ‘Bears Discover Fire’, Terry Bisson's tongue-in-cheek consideration of future ursine evolution. ‘The Left Hand of Darkness’, Ursula K. Le Guin’s coming-of-age SF tale. ‘The Winter Market’, in which William Gibson returns to the subject that made him a cultural icon, cyberpunk. With work spanning two decades, this is the most significant science fiction short story anthology published in years
Kevin Mitnick - Ghost in the wires
Kevin Mitnick - Ghost in the wires
(2011, en)
Kevin Mitnick was the most elusive computer break-in artist in history. He accessed computers and networks at the world's biggest companies--and however fast the authorities were, Mitnick was faster, sprinting through phone switches, computer systems, and cellular networks. He spent years skipping through cyberspace, always three steps ahead and labeled unstoppable. But for Kevin, hacking wasn't just about technological feats-it was an old fashioned confidence game that required guile and deception to trick the unwitting out of valuable information.
Driven by a powerful urge to accomplish the impossible, Mitnick bypassed security systems and blazed into major organizations including Motorola, Sun Microsystems, and Pacific Bell. But as the FBI's net began to tighten, Kevin went on the run, engaging in an increasingly sophisticated cat and mouse game that led through false identities, a host of cities, plenty of close shaves, and an ultimate showdown with the Feds, who would stop at nothing to bring him down.
Ghost in the Wires is a thrilling true story of intrigue, suspense, and unbelievable escape, and a portrait of a visionary whose creativity, skills, and persistence forced the authorities to rethink the way they pursued him, inspiring ripples that brought permanent changes in the way people and companies protect their most sensitive information.
vineri, 6 aprilie 2012
Jeffrey Archer - Nici un ban in plus, nici un ban in minus
Jeffrey Archer - Nici un ban in plus, nici un ban in minus
(1976, 256pg, ro)
Un milion de dolari - atat a castigat Harvey Metcalfe, rege pe viata al afacerilor tenebroase, promitand comori si lux. Peste noapte, patru oameni - mostenitorul unui conte, un medic din Harley Street, un negustor cu obiecte de arta din Bond Street si un profesor de la Oxford - raman fara un ban in buzunare. Insa, de aceasta data, Harvey si-a ales gresit victimele. Hotarati sa-si faca dreptate, pagubitii il urmaresc neobositi, din cazinourile de la Monte Carlo si pana la ghiseele de pariuri de la Ascot, ori pe pajistile de la Oxford. Planul lor e simplu: sa-l pacaleasca pe escroc cu exact aceeasi suma pe care au pierdut-o. Pana la ultimul banut. "Archer reuseste sa treaca testul de baza al adevaratului scriitor sa-l faca pe cititor sa-si doreasca sa dea pagina cartii ca sa afle ce se va mai intampla". Sunday Times
luni, 12 martie 2012
Joseph Heller - Clenciul-22
Joseph Heller - Clenciul-22
(1997, ro, 996pg)
Soldatul Svejk a făcut prozeliţi şi în America. Cel puţin asta vrea să sugereze Joseph Heller într-o carte al cărei titlu este dat de clenciul, şpuribusul sau chichiţa - the catch - din regulamentul de ordine interioară conform căruia, atunci când par să se amelioreze, lucrurile se înrăutăţesc de fapt fără drept de apel.
Filtrul întregii acţiuni este căpitanul Yossarian, ins cosmopolit care adună obiceiuri, ticuri, obsesii şi umori din mai multe lumi: asiatică, europeană, americană. Prin el scriitorul pastişează, arată cu degetul, mustăceşte sau dă cu tifla. Yossarian coagulează întregul roman prin replică spumoasă, sentimentalism necontrolat şi un irepresibil simţ al absurdului, într-o carte pe care o citeşti amuzându-te copios, pentru ca la final să-ţi dai seama că s-ar fi cuvenit să plângi.
Walter Isaacson - Steve Jobs
Walter Isaacson - Steve Jobs
(2012, en, 728pg)
Pornind de la o serie de peste 40 de interviuri cu Steve Jobs, derulate de-a lungul a peste doi ani – precum si pe intervievarea a peste o suta de persoane apropiate lui Jobs, familie, prieteni, adversari, competitori sau colegi – Walter Isaacson a reusit sa creioneze portretul vetii trepidante si a personalitatii de o intensitate mistuitoare a unui antreprenor creativ, care, prin pasiunea sa pentru perfectiune si prin hotarârea încrâncenata, a revolutionat sase domenii de activitate: computerele personale, filmul de animatie, muzica, telefoanele, tabletele computerizate si continutul digital.
Într-un moment în care Statele Unite cauta modalitati de a-si sustine întâietatea în domeniul inovatiei, în care societatile din întreaga lume încearca sa construiasca economii creative, adecvate epocii digitale, Jobs reprezinta emblema absoluta a inventivitatii, imaginatiei si inovatiei neabatute. Steve Jobs stia ca cea mai buna cale de a crea valoare în secolul XXI rezida în conectarea creativitatii cu tehnologia, asa ca a construit o companie în cadrul careia salturile imaginatiei s-au îmbinat cu remarcabile reusite din domeniul ingineriei. El si colegii sai de la Apple au fost capabili sa gândeasca diferit: nu au contribuit doar la dezvoltarea unor produse superioare din punct de vedere tehnologic, ci au creat dispozitive complet noi si servicii despre care consumatorii nici macar nu stiau ca au nevoie.
sâmbătă, 11 februarie 2012
Clayton Emery - Proscrişii
Clayton Emery - Proscrişii
(1991, ro, 149pg)
Era un monstru ciudat, un leu degenerat cu ramasite de aripi cenusii si o starpitura de fata omeneasca. Cu ochii adanci ca o fantana, ca o gaura fara fund. Acum Bith putea sa-i simta mirosul, o duhoare de amoniac si de carne putreda.
Runeswords au fost create la inceputurile lumii si apoi pierdute. Acum, aceste sabii magnifice care inchid in ele o putere devastatoare, trebuie sa fie descoperite si distruse inainte ca intunecatul stapan si creaturile sale sa le foloseasca taisurile. Singura sansa sta in mainile proscrisilor...
Cu o astfel de sabie, un om poate cuceri lumea.
(1991, ro, 149pg)
Era un monstru ciudat, un leu degenerat cu ramasite de aripi cenusii si o starpitura de fata omeneasca. Cu ochii adanci ca o fantana, ca o gaura fara fund. Acum Bith putea sa-i simta mirosul, o duhoare de amoniac si de carne putreda.
Runeswords au fost create la inceputurile lumii si apoi pierdute. Acum, aceste sabii magnifice care inchid in ele o putere devastatoare, trebuie sa fie descoperite si distruse inainte ca intunecatul stapan si creaturile sale sa le foloseasca taisurile. Singura sansa sta in mainile proscrisilor...
Cu o astfel de sabie, un om poate cuceri lumea.
luni, 16 ianuarie 2012
Bill Bryson - The Mother Tongue
Bill Bryson - The Mother Tongue
(english and how it got that way)
(1990, 270pg, en)
The Mother Tongue is a book by Bill Bryson which compiles the history and origins of the English language and the language's various quirks. It is subtitled English And How It Got That Way. The book discusses the Indo-European origins of English, the growing status of English as a global language, the complex etymology of English words, the dialects of English, spelling reform, prescriptive grammar, and more minor topics including swearing. Bryson's account is a popularization of the subject, designed to entertain as well as to inform, and the book is sprinkled with trivia and language lore.
John Grisham - Camera morţii
John Grisham - Camera morţii
(1994, pg, ro)
Adam Hall este un tînăr avocat plin de talent care munceşte ca un apucat, cumulînd zeci de ore suplimentare, la firma Kravitz & Barnes. Nu, nu este vorba de o altă versiune a celebrului român “Firma”! Talentul autorului este însă acelaşi într-o nouă incursiune în junglă avocăţească. De această dată este analizată în detaliu drama luptei pentru salvarea vieţii unui condamnat la moarte.
marți, 10 ianuarie 2012
vineri, 6 ianuarie 2012
Bailey White - Mama Makes Up Her Mind: And Other Dangers of Southern Living
Bailey White - Mama Makes Up Her Mind: And Other Dangers of Southern Living
(1994, 229pg, en)
Welcome to the unique world of Bailey White. Her aunt Belle may take you to see her bellowing pet alligator. Her uncle Jimbuddy may appall you with his knack for losing pieces of himself. Most of all, you may succumb utterly to the charms of Bailey's mama, who will take you to a juke joint so raunchy it scared Ernest Hemingway or tuck you into her antique guest bed that has the disconcerting habit of folding up on people while they sleep. White's indelible vignettes of Southern eccentricity have entranced millions who have heard her read them on NPR. Mama Makes Up Her Mind is as sweetly intoxicating as a mint julep and as invigorating as a walk in White's own overgrown garden.
marți, 3 ianuarie 2012
Ludwig van Mises - Economia în 7 lecţii
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