vineri, 23 decembrie 2011
John Grisham - Avocatul străzii
John Grisham - Avocatul străzii
(en, 1998, 256pg)
Cind un tinar avocat in plina ascensiune hotaraste sa devina aparatorul celor fara adapost, se produce un cutremur de proportii in prospera firma la care lucreaza, iar viata lui se va schimba radical. Cu logica sa implacabila, Grisham, avocatul scriitor, va reusi din nou sa demonteze un intreg sistem pentru a-l recladi altfel, spre deliciul milioanelor sale de cititori impatimiti.
luni, 19 decembrie 2011
SMASHING - Successful Freelancing for Web Designers
SMASHING - Successful Freelancing for Web Designers
(2010, en, 263pg)
Being a great Web designer or developer is one thing – running a successful freelance business another. Whether you already have experience working in a design firm or have just graduated from design school, being self-employed entails a number of tasks that you most likely haven’t had to deal with so far. As a freelance Web designer, you also have to be a project manager, office administrator, accountant, controller, and IT expert.
Written by some of the best in the business, Successful Freelancing for Web Designers incorporates some of the very best of Smashing Magazine’s features on working as a freelance web professional.
Successful Freelancing for Web Designers will help you avoid common pitfalls while giving you the knowledge and confidence to set up and run your own successful freelancing business.
Anne Rooney - 1001 Horrible Facts
Anne Rooney - 1001 Horrible Facts
(en, 2008, 210pg)
Got a thirst for knowledge of all things nasty?
Then this yuckopedia’s for you! A team of cartoon characters guides you through a feast of festering facts so horrible they’re hard to believe. Featuring gross truths about the human body, food, animals, history, science, and even world records in horribleness, it’s a real education in all things rotten . . . Enter ye not, those of a weak constitution . . .
luni, 12 decembrie 2011
Kevin Mitnick - The Art of Deception
Kevin Mitnick - The Art of Deception
(2002, en, 690pg)
The Art of Deception is a book by Kevin Mitnick that covers the art of social engineering. Part of the book is composed of real stories, and examples of how social engineering can be combined with hacking.
All, or nearly all, of the examples are fictional, but quite plausible. They expose the ease with which a skilled social engineer can subvert many rules most people take for granted. A few examples:
A person gets out of a speeding ticket by fooling the police into revealing a time when the arresting officer will be out of town, and then requesting a court date coinciding with that time.
A person gains access to a company's internal computer system, guarded by a password that changes daily, by waiting for a snowstorm and then calling the network center posing as a snowed-in employee who wants to work from home, tricking the operator into revealing today's password and access through duplicity
A person gains lots of proprietary information about a start-up company by waiting until the CEO is out of town, and then showing up at the company headquarters pretending to be a close friend and business associate of the CEO.
A person gains access to a restricted area by approaching the door carrying a large box of books, and relying on people's propensity to hold the door open for others in that situation.
This book also, after giving an example, will tell what tricked/conned the victims of the scam, and how to prevent it in real life or business.
The book ends with Mitnick's strategy and business plans to prevent most if not all of the scams in the book.
duminică, 11 decembrie 2011
Picnic la marginea drumului - Arkadi și Boris Strugațki
Picnic la marginea drumului - Arkadi și Boris Strugațki
(170pg, ro, 1972)
"Picnic la marginea drumului" este cartea care le-a adus fratilor Strugatki, prolifici autori de science-fiction, celebritatea mondiala, dar si cenzura, tracasarile si presiunile cenzurii sovietice, care vedea dincolo de o carte fantastica un atac la adresa regimului. Cat de adevarata era acea acuzatie, este greu de spus, mai ales cand autorii subliniau in epoca faptul ca "Picnic" nu este in nici un fel un atac la adresa comunismului glorios. Dincolo de calitatile incontestabile ale volumului - care au adus si interventia nemiloasa a cenzurii - cartea isi datoreaza renumele inegalabilei ecranizari regizate de Andrei Tarkovski sub titlul "Calauza" (Stalker), nume cunoscut oricarui cinefil demn de acest nume.
Dupa cum povesteste Boris Strugatki in prefata cartii, "Picnic" a aparut nemaipomenit de greu, lupta cu cenzura fiind mult mai inversunata si mai indelungata decat geneza cartii, scrisa "printre picaturi", ca o povestire simpla, oarecum de umplutura. Pare astazi paradoxal ca nici macar autorii nu isi imaginau destinul glorios al cartii, care avea in chip fericit - sau nu - sa eclipseze toate celelalte productii ale cuplului literar. Mai ales dupa ce Tarkovski alesese Italia in locul paradisului URSS, "Picnic" a capatat aureola interzisului, ceea ce i-a sporit insa forta de atractie.
Povestea imaginata de cei doi frati Strugatki a facut ca de la bun inceput cenzorii sa fie reticenti : undeva, in urma unei vizite din partea extraterestrilor, a aparut "Zona". Un perimetru cu accente sacre, inviolabil si pazit cu inversunare de paznici inarmati, o regiune misterioasa cu forte, legende, valori si povesti proprii, cunoscuta tuturor si totusi o enigma pentru intreaga planeta. Singurii care au curaj sa treaca dincolo de bariera sunt asa-numitii "stalkeri" (un alt termen inventat de Arkadi si Boris Strugatki care avea sa dobandeasca celebritatea) cautatori care isi risca viata pentru artefacte ramase in urma vizitei. Numite "inele", "biberoase", "AV"-uri, etc, sunt ramasitele lasate de o civilizatie mult prea avansata pentru a fi altfel decat de neinteles si inspaimantatoare. Iar printre stalkerii se numara si Redrick Schuhart, un stalker poate nu atat mai priceput, dar se pare foarte norocos, pentru ca este unul dintre putinii care nu este ucis de Zona. Si nu este singura zona, mai exista si altele, zeci de kilometri patrati de mister si de amenintare, fascinand si punand cercetatorilor intrebari la care nu pot raspunde.
joi, 8 decembrie 2011
Philipp Bagus - The Tragedy of the Euro
Philipp Bagus: The Tragedy of the Euro
(2010, en, 160pg)
Two Visions for Europe
The Dynamics of Fiat Money
The Road Toward the Euro
Why High Inflation Countries Wanted the Euro
Why Germany Gave Up the Deutschmark
The Money Monopoly of the ECB
Differences in the Money Creation of the Fed and the ECB
The EMU as a Self-Destroying System
The EMU as a Conflict-Aggregating System
The Ride Toward Collapse
The Future of the Euro
And here is the link.
sâmbătă, 3 decembrie 2011
Orașul damnat - Boris și Arkadi Strugațki
Orașul damnat - Boris și Arkadi Strugațki
(1989, ro, 330pg)
Alaturi de Isaac Asimov sau Stanislaw Lem, Arkadi si Boris Strugatki fac parte dintre prozatorii care au asigurat genului science fiction un loc legitim in cadrul literaturii de cea mai buna calitate. Orasul damnat prezinta o lume sfasiata intre supunere si evaziune, proiectata pe fundalul unei utopii sustinute de sensurile unei misterioase parabole, cu tot decorul pe care il presupune Orasul ca spatiu inchis al controlului totalitar. Un dictator descins din imaginarul negru al nebuniei puterii manevreaza cu cinism o suita de destine prin care se recompune o umanitate strivita sub stigmatul unei culpabilitati intretinute metodic.
miercuri, 30 noiembrie 2011
Raymond Chandler - Somnul de veci
Raymond Chandler - Somnul de veci
(ro, 1939, 163pg)
Philip Marlowe, „spilcuit, curat, barbierit si treaz“, merge in vizita la resedinta batranului domn Sternwood, ca sa se ocupe de Arthur Gwynn Geiger, care se da negustor de carti rare. Fiica cea mare a gazdei are insa impresia ca detectivul a fost angajat ca sa-l gaseasca pe sotul ei disparut cu o luna in urma.
si afla din intâmplare ca Geiger are obiceiul de a imprumuta literatura pornografica de la magazinul personal. Marlowe il urmareste pana acasa si ramane de veghe.
care se aud dinauntru il pun pe jar. Detectivul se napusteste in casa si-l gaseste pe Geiger fara suflare. Alaturi de el, o vede pe Carmen, fiica cea mica a lui Sternwood, goala si sub influenta drogurilor.
„Somnul de veci este o poveste cu sex, droguri si santaj in inalta societate, spusa de un dur cinic, Philip Marlowe. (...) Ceea ce il scoate in evidenta este calitatea mintii care l-a conceput. Aptitudinea lui Chandler de a scrie povesti senzationale se vede din multiplele intorsaturi ale intrigii, iar romanul se citeste cu inevitabilitatea simpla a unei tragedii grecesti.“
Ian Rankin
vineri, 4 noiembrie 2011
Tom Godwin - Space Prison (The Survivors)
Tom Godwin - Space Prison (The Survivors)
A ship heading from Earth to Athena, a planet 500 light years away, is suddenly attacked by the Gerns, an alien empire in its expansion phase. People aboard are divided by the invaders into Acceptables and Rejects. The Acceptables would become slave labor for the Gerns on Athena, and the Rejects are forced ashore on the nearest 'Earth-like' planet, called Ragnarok. The Gerns say they will return for the Rejects, but the Rejects quickly realise that that isn't going to happen.
Ragnarok is not so 'Earth-like.' Its gravity is 1.5 times that of Earth, it is populated by deadly, aggressive creatures and it contains little in the way of usable metal ores. This, combined with a terrible deadly fever that kills in hours, more than decimates the population.
The novels follows the stranded humans through several generations as they try to survive there, and their unswerving goal to repay the Gerns for their cruelty.
duminică, 23 octombrie 2011
Jonathan Coe - Casa somnului
Jonathan Coe - Casa somnului
(ro, 267pg, 1997)
The House of Sleep (Casa somnului, 1997) este romanul prin care Coe face pasul din categoria consacratilor in grupul select al maestrilor. In paginile lui palpita patru destine intrepatrunse si doua perioade care nu pot si nu vor sa se delimiteze. Ideea e incitanta, exploatarea ei – fara cusur. O universitate este transformata peste ani intr-o clinica pentru insomniaci ai carei pacienti sau medici sint studentii de odinioara. Locul se numeste Ashdown. Are o mohoreala victoriana si respira un aer prin care plutesc umbrele castelului Elsinore, slujbasii din Chancery-ul lui Dickens si semnele de rau augur de pe linga Wuthering Heights. Intre zidurile sale traiesc, in trecut si in prezent deopotriva, Gregory Dudden, medicinistul riguros si vag dement care considera somnul o boala ce rontaie o treime din viata fiecaruia; narcoleptica Sarah Tudor, o fiinta fragila, dilematica, incapabila sa distinga intre vis si realitate; Robert Madison, prietenul sfisiat de iubiri nerostite si de drame identitare care-l trimit in cele din urma pe masa de operatie a unui chirurg specializat in schimbarile de sex; in fine, Terry Worth, cinefilul impatimit si insomniac care poate recunoaste orice actor in orice poza, fara a-si aminti in schimb de personalul medical cu care tocmai a stat de vorba. Asa arata cvartetul pe care isi sprijina Coe intreaga constructie.
Ian Watson - O foarte lentă mașină a timpului
joi, 20 octombrie 2011
Daniel Walther - Ambuscadă pe Ornella
Daniel Walther - Ambuscadă pe Ornella
(ro, 1993, 116pg)
Giganticul războinic urla în vântul îngheţat, lovind nici el nu ştia unde şi ce. Se mişca iute, iar silueta lui îşi schimba neîncetat conturul, ca un simbol al nestatorniciei din acele locuri ale morţii. Când răguşită, când guturală, vocea spectrului răsuna cu o violenţă crescândă. Absalon ştia că n-are nici o şansă să-i scape...
„Măreaţă şi divină le era misiunea.“
La bordul navei Patnaa, comandantul Absalon Naaidoos şi guru Ch'tonjali încearcă să păstreze fragila lor simbioză mentală... care va fi atât de necesară la capătul drumului, pe Ornella, planeta îngheţată. Acolo, la porţile unui straniu mausoleu, vor purta ultima şi cea mai însemnată bătălie...
luni, 10 octombrie 2011
Gini Graham Scott - 30 Days to a more powerful memory
Gini Graham Scott - 30 Days to a more powerful memory
(en, 2004, 196pg)
With phones ringing off the hook, constantly changing to-do lists, and increasingly complicated schedules, having a good memory has become more important than ever. Drawing on the latest research from cognitive experts and psychologists, "30 Days to a More Powerful Memory" provides hands-on, practical strategies and exercises that anyone, young or old, can use to sharpen their memory - fast! The book introduces readers to memory-boosting techniques such as mnemonic devices, visualization, chunking and clustering, and mental triggers, and also shows how to: effectively decrease anxiety levels and combat the negative emotions that can affect recall; create powerful backup systems to help trigger associations; exercise both body and mind, and improve overall health to improve memory; get the kind of restful sleep that will increase one's ability to retain information.The book discusses common myths about memory, clarifying what's true and what isn't. Packed with tips and memory-boosting activities, this guide provides readers with the simple but powerful methods they need to increase their mental agility.
joi, 29 septembrie 2011
miercuri, 21 septembrie 2011
Ion Minulescu - Corigent la limba română
Ion Minulescu - Corigent la limba română
(137pg, ro, 1928)
Romanul Corigent la limba romana isi plaseaza toate - sau aproape toate - episoadele in descendenta sau in ascendenta poeziilor autorului sau. Viata in cadrul patriarhal al Slatinei, vacantele la "patuiagul" de la vie, coloritul toamnei de acolo, cadentele si armoniile folclorului invocat se pot urmari, stilizate, in romantele poetului. Fara declaratii directe, episoadele vietii prefigureaza - sau explica - substanta versurilor, rosturile traditiei, ale amintirilor, prezenta citadinismului si persiflarea lui subtile, caracterul de romanta rezultat din reveria multelor iubiri, toate spulbarate - pentru Margareta, Steluta, Kety, Lizica, doamna Wendy Woods - unele profunde, altele simple interludii, amare pentru erou, ca in Ultima ora.
Intr-o structura evident realista, Corigent la limba romana este, prin sensurile sale, tot un roman simbolist, ca si alte lucrari ale prozei lui Ion Minulescu. Este, aici, prima lui caracteristica estetica, de altfel aplicabila intregii opere a scriitorului.
(Mihai Gafita)
miercuri, 14 septembrie 2011
Mark Juergensmeyer - Terror in the mind of God - The Global Rise of Religious Violence (Comparative Studies in Religion and Society)
Mark Juergensmeyer - Terror in the mind of God - The Global Rise of Religious Violence (Comparative Studies in Religion and Society)
(326pg, en, 2001)
Beneath the histories of religious traditions--from biblical wars to crusading ventures and great acts of martyrdom--violence has lurked as a shadowy presence. Images of death have never been far from the heart of religion's power to stir the imagination. In this wide-ranging and erudite book, Mark Juergensmeyer asks one of the most important and perplexing questions of our age: Why do religious people commit violent acts in the name of their god, taking the lives of innocent victims and terrorizing entire populations?
This, the first comparative study of religious terrorism, explores incidents such as the World Trade Center explosion, Hamas suicide bombings, the Tokyo subway nerve gas attack, and the killing of abortion clinic doctors in the United States. Incorporating personal interviews with World Trade Center bomber Mahmud Abouhalima, Christian Right activist Mike Bray, Hamas leaders Sheik Yassin and Abdul Azis Rantisi, and Sikh political leader Simranjit Singh Mann, among others, Juergensmeyer takes us into the mindset of those who perpetrate and support violent acts. In the process, he helps us understand why these acts are often associated with religious causes and why they occur with such frequency at this moment in history.
Terror in the Mind of God places these acts of violence in the context of global political and social changes, and posits them as attempts to empower the cultures of violence that support them. Juergensmeyer analyzes the economic, ideological, and gender-related dimensions of cultures that embrace a central sacred concept--cosmic war--and that employ religion to demonize their enemies.
Juergensmeyer's narrative is engaging, incisive, and sweeping in scope. He convincingly shows that while, in many cases, religion supplies not only the ideology but also the motivation and organizational structure for the perpetrators of violent acts, it also carries with it the possibilities for peace.
marți, 13 septembrie 2011
Richard Sutz & Peter Werveka - Speed Reading for Dummies
(291pg, en, 2009)
The fun and easy way® to become a more efficient, effective reader! Want to read faster — and recall more of what you read? This practical, hands-on guide gives you the techniques you need to increase your reading speed and retention, whether you're reading books, e-mails, magazines, or even technical journals! You'll find reading aids and plenty of exercises to help you read faster and better comprehend the text.
- Yes, you can speed read — discover the skills you need to read quickly and effectively, break your bad reading habits, and take in more text at a glance
- Focus on the fundamentals — widen your vision span and see how to increase your comprehension, retention, and recall
- Advance your speed-reading skills — read blocks of text, heighten your concentration, and follow an author's thought patterns
- Zero in on key points — skim, scan, and preread to quickly locate the information you want
- Expand your vocabulary — recognize the most common words and phrases to help you move through the text more quickly
luni, 12 septembrie 2011
Paul David Nussbaum - Save Your Brain: The 5 Things You Must Do to Keep Your Mind Young and Sharp
Paul David Nussbaum - Save Your Brain: The 5 Things You Must Do to Keep Your Mind Young and Sharp
(225pg, en, 2010)
The importance of brain health --
How your brain works --
Adopting a healthy brain lifestyle --
The five critical areas of brain health --
Critical area 1: socialization --
Critical area 2: physical activity --
Critical area 3: mental stimulation --
Critical area 4: spirituality --
Critical area 5: nutrition --
Pioneering a bold future for brain health.
Paul R. Scheele - The Photoreading System (3rd Ed)
Paul R. Scheele - The Photoreading System
(169pg, en, 1999)
When you learn Photoreading you will experience what might sound impossible. You will PhotoRead the written page at rates exceeding a page per second, directing information into the expanded processing capabilities of your brain. There the information connects with your prior knowledge and becomes useful to accomplishing your purpose. You get your reading done in the time you have available, at a level of comprehension you need.
Value: 2/10
William Diehl - Domnie in iad
(802pg, ro, 1997)
William Diehl şi-a uimit cititorii cu romane precum Fiinţa răului sau Chipul răului, al căror personaj principal, avocatul Martin Vail, este chemat să înfrunte situaţii şi forţe nebănuite, pe cât de complicate pe atât de malefice. Iată însă că, o dată cu noul său roman, Diehl pătrunde într-un teritoriu necartat, împingandu-şi personajul şi sistemul legal pe care acesta îl reprezintă la limita distrugerii.
marți, 30 august 2011
Michael Brooks - 13 Things That Don't Make Sense
Michael Brooks - 13 Things That Don't Make Sense
(254pg, en, 2008)
Spanning disciplines from biology to cosmology, chemistry to psychology to physics, Michael Brooks thrillingly captures the excitement of scientific discovery. Science’s best-kept secret is this: even today, there are experimental results that the most brilliant scientists cannot explain. In the past, similar “anomalies” have revolutionized our world. If history is any precedent, we should look to today’s inexplicable results to forecast the future of science. Michael Brooks heads to the scientific frontier to confront thirteen modern-day anomalies and what they might reveal about tomorrow’s breakthroughs.
William Diehl - Fiinţa răului
William Diehl - Fiinţa răului
(671pg, ro, 1993)
Aaron Stampler, un tinar cu infatisare angelica, este gasit de politie plin de singe si cu un cutit in mina linga cadavrul oribil mutilat al unui arhiepiscop. Inevitabilul proces - de la care lumea asteapta o singura sentinta: scaunul electric - aduce in prim-plan un avocat care, ajutat de un psihiatru, incearca sa dovedeasca nebunia clientului sau in momentul comiterii crimei. De aceasta data intrebarea "vinovat sau nevinovat?" presupune o fantastica sondare in adincul traumelor sufletesti dublate de obsesii, patimi etc., dar si incursiuni indiscrete in existenta cucernicului arhiepiscop.
vineri, 29 iulie 2011
George Orwell - 1984
George Orwell - 1984
(1949, 642pg, ro)
1984 este un roman politic scris de George Orwell în 1948 și tipărit în 1949. Acțiunea romanului are loc într-un viitor distopic și prezintă o parte din viața intelectualului Winston Smith sub opresiunea guvernului totalitarist al Oceaniei. 1984 a imprimat foarte mulți termeni și idei în cultura contemporană, și mai ales în limba engleză, de exemplu Fratele cel Mare, dubla gândire, poliția gândirii, ingșoc. „Fratele cel Mare stă cu ochii pe tine” este un simbol al controlului excesiv, iar adjectivul orwellian este folosit pentru a descrie acțiunile și organizațiile Oceaniei.
luni, 18 iulie 2011
Andrew Thompson - What did we use before toilet paper?
Andrew Thompson - What did we use before toilet paper?
(265pg, en, 2010)
It's not information anyone needs to know. There are no answers to important test questions. There's nothing that'll make anyone better at their job. And that’s exactly why these facts are so much fun! This weird and wonderful collection of trivia captivates and surprises readers with funky revelations like: Why is New York called the Big Apple? Did the Romans have toga parties? Why don't you ever see baby pigeons? Why are yawns contagious? Did Nostradamus predict anything accurately? Witty, informative, and compulsive, What Did They Use Before Toilet Paper? is an indispensable companion for any lover of knowledge. From the everyday to the fantastical — it's all here.
Jon Butler and Bruno Vincent - Do Ants Have Assholes?
Jon Butler and Bruno Vincent - Do Ants Have Assholes?
(194pg, en, 2007)
Do Ants Have Assholes? is a hilarious, over-the-top parody of bestsellers like Do Men Have Nipples? John Butler and Bruno Vincent have dreamed up a venerable, historic (and imaginary) newspaper.
(Sourcebooks, 9.99$)
marți, 12 iulie 2011
J.J.Luna - How to be invisible
(308pg, en, 2004)
It's hard to say how private investigators would react to books like J. J. Luna's How to Be Invisible--while it makes their jobs a lot harder, most of them are paid by the hour. If you want to withdraw from the snooping eyes of the government, corporations, stalking ex-boyfriends, or practically anyone else, this practical, down-to-earth guide will help you and your family vanish. It's not a glamorous James Bond life Mr. Luna is inviting you to take part in; it's probably much like the life you're living right now. Spending much of the early part of the book frightening the reader with tales of stalkers and mistaken identities, the author successfully makes his case that a few adjustments to an individual's personal information flow can make a life-or-death difference. While getting his plan off the ground will take a bit of planning and effort (you have to move at least once to clear your trail), it is sustainable and worthwhile even for those who think they have nothing to hide. Learn about anonymous travel and purchase, using trusts and corporations to keep your assets private, and how recent laws significantly affect older methods of guaranteeing privacy. Luna makes no claim to know the law where you live and suggests that you consult a trusted local attorney before implementing most of his advice. Just knowing how easily a criminal can learn about and exploit your personal information will make you want to do just that. --Rob Lightner
joi, 7 iulie 2011
Isaac Asimov - Soarele gol
(1957, 374pg, ro)
Pe planeta Solaria, populată de un grup de coloniști ce trăiesc izolați unii de altii (nevoile lor fiind satisfăcute de servitori roboți), are loc o crimă care sfidează toate Legile Roboticii, șocînd comunitățile Lumii exterioare. Dezlegarea misterului acestui asasinat revine detectivului new-yorkez Elijah Baley, ajutat de asistentul său, robotul R. Daneel Olivaw
Nancy Kress - Foc încrucișat
(203pg, ro, 2003)
O nouă creaţie strălucită a scriitoarei Nancy Kress, laureată a premilor Hugo şi Nebula.
Crossfire este povestea întemeierii unei colonii umane pe o planetă îndepărtată, la iniţiativa lui Jack Holman - un bărbat care încearcă să fugă de trecutul său întunecat. Dar pe măsură ce miile de membri ai acestui grup pestriţ îşi organizează viaţa în noua lor lume, ei fac o descoperire surprinzătoare: pe planetă există nişte extraterestri umanoizi primitivi. Aceştia trăiesc în câteva cătune izolate şi dovezile par să sugereze că nu sunt originari de pe planetă, chiar dacă locuiesc în colibe cu acoperiş de stuf şi posedă doar unelte primitive. Când oamenii află, în sfârşit, adevărul
despre aceşti extraterestri, se trezesc prinşi într-un război interstelar. în cele din urmă, un mic grup de colonişti va trebui să aleagă de care parte vor lupta. De hotărârea lor depinde foarte mult: nu doar soarta noului lor cămin, ci soarta întregii omeniri.
marți, 28 iunie 2011
Orson Scott Card - Ender 1 - Jocul lui Ender
Orson Scott Card - Ender 1 - Jocul lui Ender
(1985, 525pg, ro)
Instructia consta, nici o surpriza, din „jocuri“ de razboi. Ender Wiggin, un geniu printre genii, castiga intr-un timp record toate „jocurile“ si pare a fi eroul care va salva planeta. Dar va reusi sa stabileasca grani]a dintre real si virtual si sa inteleaga importanta ei cruciala?
luni, 27 iunie 2011
Serge Brussolo - Febra
Serge Brussolo - Febra
(1983, 244pg, ro)
M-am convins înca o data ca Serge Brussolo e nebun. Si începuse “normal”, cu explorarea unui organism viu de marimea unei planete, pentru ca totul sa degenereze spre scabros si macabru.
Descrie cu placere bolnava mersul prin balti de sebuum, mirosul asfixiant de acid uric al boabelor de transpiratie de marimea unor portocale, desisurile de par cret, refugiul din pliurile unui rid, puseele de febra din preajma unui furuncul gigantic ce ridica temperatura solului la peste 150 de grade… Siliti sa manânce din carnea fiintei-planeta cercetatorii sufera diverse mutatii, alt prilej de enumerare bolnavicioasa a cazurilor de oameni-leucocite, batrâni-prunci, oameni decalcifiati…
Se organizeaza grupari expansioniste care malformeaza organismul pentru a-si mari teritoriul, separatisti ce vor amputarea membrelor pentru a parasi capcana muribunda sau radicali ce doresc pur si simplu extinctia ca sfârsit onorabil al acestei planete purtatoare de paraziti. Actiunile lor duc la un final apocaliptic cu un corp în dezembrare, mistuindu-si ocupantii în timp ce se mistuia pe sine, lasând în vidul cosmic un “monument congelat al prostiei umane”. Pamântul? (Sursa)
Serge Brussolo - Coşmar de închiriat
Serge Brussolo - Coşmar de închiriat
(2006, ro, 380pg)
O fortareata cenusie, mohorata, cu ferestre deschise ca ranile necicatrizate.
O fortareata aparata de gratii, o gradina zoologica stranie, asaltata de vizitatori feroce si necrutatori.
Un hatis infernal, plin de capcane ruginite, fatale cu un secol in urma, fatale si azi.
Casa inchiriata este poarta secreta catre alta lume, care creste ca o tumoare in carnea realitatii, transformand locurile si oamenii in ceva ingrozitor si strain.
Pentru David si parintii lui, casa de pe colina este un...
Brussolo este enigma imposibil de clasat a literaturii franceze, creatorul ei baroc si unic.
joi, 23 iunie 2011
joi, 16 iunie 2011
Asher Neal - Cowl
Asher Neal - Cowl
(2004, ro, 730pg)
The story focuses on Cowl, who was genetically engineered to be the pinnacle of human evolution but is now the nemesis of the Heliothane Dominion, the ruling body of humanity. The Heliothanes have genetically enhanced themselves to the point where they can barely be called normal humans anymore, being dramatically faster and stronger. Leading another branch of evolved humanity, the Umbrathanes, Cowl blows up Callisto and uses the energy released to fuel a time journey two billion years into the past. Upon discovering no living life on Earth, Cowl believes that he must avoid an omission paradox and jumpstart humanity's evolution, all the while waging war on the Heliothanes and trying to push them down a 'Probability Slope' so they will be unable to travel through time and leave him and his new empire at the top of the slope.
Cowl uses his Torbeast, sending it travelling through time dropping its scales. Each scale is a self-contained organic time machine that bonds to a human dragging them back through time to Cowl as a sample. He uses these human samples to monitor the effect he is making on the future to conduct his research. Once tested, the human is of no use to Cowl and is dumped; left to die in the poisonous atmosphere of Earth's ancient past.
In the twenty second century, a prostitute named Polly is pulled into a scheme against the ruling government, U-Gov by a soldier, Nandra, who's squad was slaughtered by the tor beast for being near the tor it dropped. Nandra implants Polly with his military AI, his 'muse', and forces her to assist U-Gov agent, Tack, who is a cloned agent in arranging a transaction, a large sum of money for the tor. The transaction goes off, but then Nandra tricks Tack's team and Polly accidentally is bonded to the Tor, along with Tack, who is dragged through time with her, gaining a tor of his own. Tack is captured by Saphothere, a Heliothane who forces him to assist him in fighting against Cowl while Polly is sent through history back towards Cowl, with Nandra now stuck in the Muse AI, guiding her along the way.
Max Tucker - I hope they serve beer in hell
Max Tucker - I hope they serve beer in hell
(en, 2006, 267pg)
I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell is a freaking hilariously great book. Anyone who has a strong stomach and loves seeing a man’s disgusting lifestyle exposed for everyone else's amusement: Go out and read this book! You will literally laugh until you’re in extreme amounts of agonizing pain, crying tears of freaking hilarity, while not being able to catch your breath.
It’s that damn awesome of a silly read. Tucker’s adventures with rednecks, military assassins, and conversations with gay men about post-operations are hysterical, but very gross. This book was like a train wreck for me: It was so freaking horrible, but I couldn’t look away.
Tucker Max is indeed an asshole, dickhead, and a genuine shit bag, and he’s bluntly honest about his very flawed and screwed up life, which makes him oddly likable as a person. Go figure. That is, if your one of the few people who is actually able to include him in the human category or sub-category…most people would classify him as parasite, including my own mother when I told her about this book. (Source)
luni, 6 iunie 2011
Robert A. Heinlein - Luna e o doamnă crudă
Robert A. Heinlein - Luna e o doamnă crudă
(1965, ro, 789pg)
„Luna e o doamna cruda” e o nuvela stiintifico-fantastica scrisa, in 1966, de scriitorul american Robert A. Heinlein. Are ca subiect revolta coloniilor lunare impotriva Pamantului. Nuvela pune in discutie diverse idei liberale ce sunt prezentate intr-un context speculativ.
Intriga povestirii contine 3 elemente ce contribuie la statutul ei de lucrare unica de science-fiction. Primul element e revolutia, unul dintre fundalurile excelente pentru orice opera de arta si care permite oportunitati multiple de a oferi cititorului emotiile fundamentale ale omului. Cel de al doilea element e abordarea subiectului Inteligentei Artificiale, dar intr-o maniera tulburatoare si profunda. Iar ultimul element e descrierea unui viitor posibil, dar care ar fi imposibil de comunicat daca nu ar exista cunostintele si expertizele tehnice ale lui Heinlein. Luat pe cont propriu, oricare dintre aceste elemente nu ar fi decat o simpla repetare a unor idei deja uzate de multi scriitori. (Sursa:
Nick Begich - Angels Don't Play This Haarp: Advances in Tesla Technology
Nick Begich - Angels Don't Play This Haarp: Advances in Tesla Technology
(en, 2004, 221pg)
From a rural location in Alaska, controlled by "Big Oil", the US government is blasting billions of watts of high frequency microwave energy at our protective ionospheric shell which surrounds the earth. Their offical reason is "to see what it does". Several acres of Alaskan land have been dedicated to the construction of the HAARP array (you can actually find a picture of it online...)but it's real purpose runs from the practical (earth tomography (X-ray the earth to look for enemy submarines and secret underground bases)) through the hard to believe (transmission of electrical power without wires (Tesla's idea) through the insane (the complete disruption of global communications and mucking with weather patterns by shifting the jet stream).
This book is so well documented, often citing documents published by the US government itself, that it is absolutely convincing and frightening.
(Amazon, 15$)
luni, 23 mai 2011
David Duke - Jewish Supremacism
David Duke - Jewish Supremacism
(en, 368pg, 2007)
I promise that this book will challenge you. Its amazing documentary evidence will confront some of your most cherished beliefs.
If you can put aside as best you can the prejudices you may have on this subject and even preconceptions you might have about me personally — you can more fairly evaluate the ideas and evidence in this book. That is all an author can ask of his reader; and I ask it of you. It is my earnest belief that if you endeavor to keep an open mind, what you read will surprise you.
The real power of this book comes from its documentation from major sources. In fact, you will quickly discover that most of my documents about Jewish Supremacism are from Jewish sources. They argue more convincingly for my point of view than anything I could write. I encourage you to go to the sources that I quote and check them out for yourself. In this book I take you along with me on a fascinating journey of discovery in a forbidden subject. I urge you to courageously keep an open mind while you explore the topics ahead, for that is the only way any of us can find the truth.
(, 30€)
Frank Herbert & Bill Ransom - Pandora 3, Factorul Înălţare
Frank Herbert & Bill Ransom - Pandora 3, Factorul Înălţare
(702pg, ro, 1983)
Pandora. Factorul Inaltare este ultima parte din Trilogia Pandora.
Pandora si desertica Dune, desi atat de diferite, se aseamana totusi intr-o privinta: lupta pentru supravietuire. Societatea este sfasiata de un conflict coplesitor, la finele caruia o asteapta fie transformarea benefica, fie pieirea.
Principalii actori ai acestei drame grandioase sunt sadicul dictator Raja-Flattery, anarhicele fantome, cu existenta incerta, si fermecatoarea Gally, mult asteptata mantuitoare. Omenirea cucerise stelele si imblanzise nenumarate planete. Acum, prin ultimii sai reprezentanti, se avanta din nou spre cer. Insa, de data aceasta, omul nu pleaca singur...
miercuri, 27 aprilie 2011
Kelly Fisher Lowe - The Words and Music of Frank Zappa
Kelly Fisher Lowe - The Words and Music of Frank Zappa
(280pg, en, 2007)
The Words and Music of Frank Zappa moves beyond the details of Frank Zappa’s life (1940–93) toward a focused treatment of the rock and pop songs of this great American composer. Today Zappa’s music can be appreciated as a whole, emerging as a coherent, thoughtful, and innovative—if somewhat daunting—body of work. Author Kelly Fisher Lowe has left no aspect of that work unexamined, from Zappa’s role as a satirist of the highest order to his place in the genre of “progressive rock” and his importance as an influential critic of American culture and society.
The volume begins with discussions of Zappa's role as a satirist and his musical style, then proceeds to an in-depth examination of his albums. Through this extended engagement with Zappa’s music, a surprisingly clear perspective on his personal views emerges, shedding light on his treatment of such topics as the falsified notion of love in popular culture, the compromising influence of money on popular music, and the concept of freedom in a systematized society. The book includes an official discography and an up-to-date bibliographic essay.
(University of Nebraska - 19$)
marți, 26 aprilie 2011
Tatsu Takeuchi - An Illustrated Guide to Relativity
Tatsu Takeuchi - An Illustrated Guide to Relativity
(2010, en, 263pg)
Aimed at both physics students and non-science majors, this unique book explains Einstein’s special theory of relativity pictorially, using diagrams rather than equations. The diagrams guide the reader, step-by-step, from the basics of relativity to advanced topics including the addition of velocities, Lorentz contraction, time dilation, the twin paradox, Doppler shift, and Einstein’s famous equation E=mc². The distinctive figures throughout the book enable the reader to visualize the theory in a way that cannot be fully conveyed through equations alone. The illustrative explanations in this book maintain the logic and rigour necessary for physics students, yet are simple enough to be understood by non-scientists. The book also contains entertaining problems which challenge the reader’s understanding of the materials covered.
luni, 18 aprilie 2011
Philip K Dick - Ubik
Philip K.Dick - Ubik
(403pg, ro, 1969)
Ubik este o poveste fascinanta, in care timpul regreseaza, mortii viseaza viii, iar un neutralizator de telepati se imbarca intr-o misiune... la capatul realitatii, al vietii si al mortii.
Criogenie, deriva temporala... dificultatea lecturii poate fi depasita pentru a plonja in meandrele unei fantezii cat se poate de logice.
vineri, 1 aprilie 2011
Frank Herbert - Pandora 2, Efectul Lazăr
(789pg, ro, 1983)
Raja Flattery, un preot-psihiatru a contribuit decisiv la dezvoltarea unei vaste constiinte artificiale – nava – menite sa conduca omenirea catre stele. Dar nava isi faureste propriul ei destin demiurgic. Astfel, Raja va fi trezit din somnul criogenic pentru a-si asuma rolul mantuitorului si pentru a participa la ultimul si etern repetatul act al evolutiei umane: adorarea navei, adorarea unui creator...
(, 21 ron)
joi, 31 martie 2011
Dave Thompson - Smoke on the water (The Deep Purple Story)
Dave Thompson - Smoke on the water (The Deep Purple Story)
(2004, 432pg, en)
From their grandiose inception in 1968 to the release of their latest album in 2003, this comprehensive look at Deep Purple's career paints a vivid portrait of the music scene that influenced the band and their effect on a generation of new musicians. Candid interviews with band members, friends, and fans trace the turbulent history of the band, including the acrimonious departures of legendary members Ian Gillan and Ritchie Blackmore and the death of guitarist Tommy Bolin. For die-hard fans and rock aficionados, this musical biography discloses insights into the staying power of this classic band.
joi, 17 martie 2011
Frank Herbert - Pandora, Incidentul Iisus
Frank Herbert & Bill Ransom - Pandora, Incidentul Iisus
(725pg, ro, 1979)
Pandora. Incidentul Iisus este prima parte din Trilogia Pandora.
Raja Flattery, un preot-psihiatru a contribuit decisiv la dezvoltarea unei vaste constiinte artificiale – nava – menite sa conduca omenirea catre stele. Dar nava isi faureste propriul ei destin demiurgic. Astfel, Raja va fi trezit din somnul criogenic pentru a-si asuma rolul mantuitorului si pentru a participa la ultimul si etern repetatul act al evolutiei umane: adorarea navei, adorarea unui creator...
(Nemira,, 20 ron)
joi, 10 martie 2011
Frankie Boyle - My Shit Life So Far
Frankie Boyle - My Shit Life So Far
(2009, 442pg, en)
Ever since being brought up by The Beatles, Frankie Boyle has been a tremendous liar. Join him on his adventures with his chum Clangy The Brass Boy and laugh as he doesn't accidentally kill a student nurse when a party gets out of hand. I don't think anyone can have written an autobiography without at some point thinking "Why would anyone want to know this shit?" I've always read them thinking "I don't want to know where Steve Tyler grew up, just tell me how many groupies he f**ked!"' So begins Frankie's outrageous, laugh-out loud, cynical rant on life as he knows it. From growing up in Pollockshaws, Glasgow ('it was an aching cement void, a slap in the face to Childhood, and for the family it was a step up'), to his rampant teenage sex drive ('in those days if you glimpsed a nipple on T.V. it was like porn Christmas'), and first job working in a mental hospital ('where most evenings were spent persuading an old man in his pants not to eat a family sized block of cheese'), nothing is out of bounds.
(15.99 £
Philip K Dick - Vânătorul de recompense
Philip K Dick - Vânătorul de recompense
(visează androizii oi electrice?)
(377pg, ro, 1968)
Pentru Philip K. Dick viitorul nu suna bine! Ne aflam la ani buni dupa sfarsitul unui Razboi Mondial a carui efecte ulterioare, au silit majoritatea locuitorilor sa emigreze pe alte planete.
Pe un Pamant cu o populatie de animale aflata in pragul extinctiei, cu o atmosfera poluata de un praf radioactiv nociv, foarte putini sunt cei care nu au vrut sa-l parasesca. Pentru a se usura munca, marile corporatii au recurs la producerea de androizi, ce au devenit din ce in ce mai performanti, ajungandu-se ca ultimul model produs, Nexus-6, sa constituie o replica fidela a omului, destul de greu de depistat, insa nu imposibil.
Umanizarea acestor entitatii organice de sine statatoare este si subiectul, pe care ni-l propune autorul si care-l “macina” (poate nu prea mult timp, daca luam in considerare sfarsitul cartii) si pe Rick Deckard, vanator de recompense in cadrul politiei San Francisco. De cand i-a murit oaia adevarata, spera ca va reusi sa stranga suficienti bani din recompense pentru a-si cumpara alta sau orice alt animal adevarat, renuntand la inlocuitorul electronic.
marți, 1 martie 2011
Nancy Kress - Spaţiul probabilistic
Nancy Kress - Spaţiul probabilistic
(2002, ro, 389 pg)
Avand Artefactul Protector drept scut pentru intregul sistem solar, omenirea pare in siguranta - cel putin in ceea ce priveste un eventual atac din partea fallerilor. Dar razboiul este departe de a se fi incheiat; dimpotriva, s-a ajuns la un impas. Exista voci tot mai numeroase care afirma ca generalul Stefanak nu initiaza actiuni militare suficient de dure impotriva dusmanilor extraterestri. In urma unei lovituri de stat, puterea ajunge in mainile amiralului Pierce, pe care multi il considera nebun. Lipsit de intelepciune si de realism, Pierce urmareste victoria cu orice pret in razboiul cu fallerii, ignorand complet posibilitatea de a distruge spatiul-timpul si, prin aceasta, toate formele de viata existente in Univers. Intoarcerea pe planeta Lumea a doi fosti membri ai expeditiei care a adus omenirii Artefactul se transforma intr-o misiune de-a dreptul nebuneasca de salvare a Universului.