Richard Walton - Galaxy
(69pg, ro, 2005)
Ion Minulescu - Corigent la limba română
(137pg, ro, 1928)
Romanul Corigent la limba romana isi plaseaza toate - sau aproape toate - episoadele in descendenta sau in ascendenta poeziilor autorului sau. Viata in cadrul patriarhal al Slatinei, vacantele la "patuiagul" de la vie, coloritul toamnei de acolo, cadentele si armoniile folclorului invocat se pot urmari, stilizate, in romantele poetului. Fara declaratii directe, episoadele vietii prefigureaza - sau explica - substanta versurilor, rosturile traditiei, ale amintirilor, prezenta citadinismului si persiflarea lui subtile, caracterul de romanta rezultat din reveria multelor iubiri, toate spulbarate - pentru Margareta, Steluta, Kety, Lizica, doamna Wendy Woods - unele profunde, altele simple interludii, amare pentru erou, ca in Ultima ora.
Intr-o structura evident realista, Corigent la limba romana este, prin sensurile sale, tot un roman simbolist, ca si alte lucrari ale prozei lui Ion Minulescu. Este, aici, prima lui caracteristica estetica, de altfel aplicabila intregii opere a scriitorului.
(Mihai Gafita)
Mark Juergensmeyer - Terror in the mind of God - The Global Rise of Religious Violence (Comparative Studies in Religion and Society)
(326pg, en, 2001)
Beneath the histories of religious traditions--from biblical wars to crusading ventures and great acts of martyrdom--violence has lurked as a shadowy presence. Images of death have never been far from the heart of religion's power to stir the imagination. In this wide-ranging and erudite book, Mark Juergensmeyer asks one of the most important and perplexing questions of our age: Why do religious people commit violent acts in the name of their god, taking the lives of innocent victims and terrorizing entire populations?
This, the first comparative study of religious terrorism, explores incidents such as the World Trade Center explosion, Hamas suicide bombings, the Tokyo subway nerve gas attack, and the killing of abortion clinic doctors in the United States. Incorporating personal interviews with World Trade Center bomber Mahmud Abouhalima, Christian Right activist Mike Bray, Hamas leaders Sheik Yassin and Abdul Azis Rantisi, and Sikh political leader Simranjit Singh Mann, among others, Juergensmeyer takes us into the mindset of those who perpetrate and support violent acts. In the process, he helps us understand why these acts are often associated with religious causes and why they occur with such frequency at this moment in history.
Terror in the Mind of God places these acts of violence in the context of global political and social changes, and posits them as attempts to empower the cultures of violence that support them. Juergensmeyer analyzes the economic, ideological, and gender-related dimensions of cultures that embrace a central sacred concept--cosmic war--and that employ religion to demonize their enemies.
Juergensmeyer's narrative is engaging, incisive, and sweeping in scope. He convincingly shows that while, in many cases, religion supplies not only the ideology but also the motivation and organizational structure for the perpetrators of violent acts, it also carries with it the possibilities for peace.
Paul David Nussbaum - Save Your Brain: The 5 Things You Must Do to Keep Your Mind Young and Sharp
(225pg, en, 2010)
The importance of brain health --
How your brain works --
Adopting a healthy brain lifestyle --
The five critical areas of brain health --
Critical area 1: socialization --
Critical area 2: physical activity --
Critical area 3: mental stimulation --
Critical area 4: spirituality --
Critical area 5: nutrition --
Pioneering a bold future for brain health.
Paul R. Scheele - The Photoreading System
(169pg, en, 1999)
When you learn Photoreading you will experience what might sound impossible. You will PhotoRead the written page at rates exceeding a page per second, directing information into the expanded processing capabilities of your brain. There the information connects with your prior knowledge and becomes useful to accomplishing your purpose. You get your reading done in the time you have available, at a level of comprehension you need.
Value: 2/10
(802pg, ro, 1997)
William Diehl şi-a uimit cititorii cu romane precum Fiinţa răului sau Chipul răului, al căror personaj principal, avocatul Martin Vail, este chemat să înfrunte situaţii şi forţe nebănuite, pe cât de complicate pe atât de malefice. Iată însă că, o dată cu noul său roman, Diehl pătrunde într-un teritoriu necartat, împingandu-şi personajul şi sistemul legal pe care acesta îl reprezintă la limita distrugerii.