miercuri, 27 aprilie 2011

Kelly Fisher Lowe - The Words and Music of Frank Zappa

Kelly Fisher Lowe - The Words and Music of Frank Zappa

(280pg, en, 2007)

The Words and Music of Frank Zappa moves beyond the details of Frank Zappa’s life (1940–93) toward a focused treatment of the rock and pop songs of this great American composer. Today Zappa’s music can be appreciated as a whole, emerging as a coherent, thoughtful, and innovative—if somewhat daunting—body of work. Author Kelly Fisher Lowe has left no aspect of that work unexamined, from Zappa’s role as a satirist of the highest order to his place in the genre of “progressive rock” and his importance as an influential critic of American culture and society.

The volume begins with discussions of Zappa's role as a satirist and his musical style, then proceeds to an in-depth examination of his albums. Through this extended engagement with Zappa’s music, a surprisingly clear perspective on his personal views emerges, shedding light on his treatment of such topics as the falsified notion of love in popular culture, the compromising influence of money on popular music, and the concept of freedom in a systematized society. The book includes an official discography and an up-to-date bibliographic essay.

(University of Nebraska - 19$)

marți, 26 aprilie 2011

Tatsu Takeuchi - An Illustrated Guide to Relativity

Tatsu Takeuchi - An Illustrated Guide to Relativity

(2010, en, 263pg)

Aimed at both physics students and non-science majors, this unique book explains Einstein’s special theory of relativity pictorially, using diagrams rather than equations. The diagrams guide the reader, step-by-step, from the basics of relativity to advanced topics including the addition of velocities, Lorentz contraction, time dilation, the twin paradox, Doppler shift, and Einstein’s famous equation E=mc². The distinctive figures throughout the book enable the reader to visualize the theory in a way that cannot be fully conveyed through equations alone. The illustrative explanations in this book maintain the logic and rigour necessary for physics students, yet are simple enough to be understood by non-scientists. The book also contains entertaining problems which challenge the reader’s understanding of the materials covered.

luni, 18 aprilie 2011

Philip K Dick - Ubik

Philip K.Dick - Ubik

(403pg, ro, 1969)

Ubik este o poveste fascinanta, in care timpul regreseaza, mortii viseaza viii, iar un neutralizator de telepati se imbarca intr-o misiune... la capatul realitatii, al vietii si al mortii.

Criogenie, deriva temporala... dificultatea lecturii poate fi depasita pentru a plonja in meandrele unei fantezii cat se poate de logice.

vineri, 1 aprilie 2011

Frank Herbert - Pandora 2, Efectul Lazăr

Frank Herbert & Bill Ransom - Pandora 2, Efectul Lazăr

(789pg, ro, 1983)

Raja Flattery, un preot-psihiatru a contribuit decisiv la dezvoltarea unei vaste constiinte artificiale – nava – menite sa conduca omenirea catre stele. Dar nava isi faureste propriul ei destin demiurgic. Astfel, Raja va fi trezit din somnul criogenic pentru a-si asuma rolul mantuitorului si pentru a participa la ultimul si etern repetatul act al evolutiei umane: adorarea navei, adorarea unui creator...

(nemira.ro, 21 ron)