marți, 28 iunie 2011

Orson Scott Card - Ender 1 - Jocul lui Ender

Orson Scott Card - Ender 1 - Jocul lui Ender

(1985, 525pg, ro)

Extraterestrii au atacat Pamantul si aproape au distrus specia umana. Pentru a se asigura ca oamenii vor castiga urmatoarea infruntare, cea decisiva, guvernul terestru a creat in vitro genii pe care le antreneaza intensiv in arta militara.Instructia consta, nici o surpriza, din „jocuri“ de razboi. Ender Wiggin, un geniu printre genii, castiga intr-un timp record toate „jocurile“ si pare a fi eroul care va salva planeta. Dar va reusi sa stabileasca grani]a dintre real si virtual si sa inteleaga importanta ei cruciala?matoarea infruntare, cea decisiva, guvernul terestru a creat in vitro genii pe care le antreneaza intensiv in arta militara.

Instructia consta, nici o surpriza, din „jocuri“ de razboi. Ender Wiggin, un geniu printre genii, castiga intr-un timp record toate „jocurile“ si pare a fi eroul care va salva planeta. Dar va reusi sa stabileasca grani]a dintre real si virtual si sa inteleaga importanta ei cruciala?

luni, 27 iunie 2011

Serge Brussolo - Febra

Serge Brussolo - Febra

(1983, 244pg, ro)

M-am convins înca o data ca Serge Brussolo e nebun. Si începuse “normal”, cu explorarea unui organism viu de marimea unei planete, pentru ca totul sa degenereze spre scabros si macabru.

Descrie cu placere bolnava mersul prin balti de sebuum, mirosul asfixiant de acid uric al boabelor de transpiratie de marimea unor portocale, desisurile de par cret, refugiul din pliurile unui rid, puseele de febra din preajma unui furuncul gigantic ce ridica temperatura solului la peste 150 de grade… Siliti sa manânce din carnea fiintei-planeta cercetatorii sufera diverse mutatii, alt prilej de enumerare bolnavicioasa a cazurilor de oameni-leucocite, batrâni-prunci, oameni decalcifiati…

Se organizeaza grupari expansioniste care malformeaza organismul pentru a-si mari teritoriul, separatisti ce vor amputarea membrelor pentru a parasi capcana muribunda sau radicali ce doresc pur si simplu extinctia ca sfârsit onorabil al acestei planete purtatoare de paraziti. Actiunile lor duc la un final apocaliptic cu un corp în dezembrare, mistuindu-si ocupantii în timp ce se mistuia pe sine, lasând în vidul cosmic un “monument congelat al prostiei umane”. Pamântul? (Sursa)

Serge Brussolo - Coşmar de închiriat

Serge Brussolo - Coşmar de închiriat

(2006, ro, 380pg)

O fortareata cenusie, mohorata, cu ferestre deschise ca ranile necicatrizate.

O fortareata aparata de gratii, o gradina zoologica stranie, asaltata de vizitatori feroce si necrutatori.

Un hatis infernal, plin de capcane ruginite, fatale cu un secol in urma, fatale si azi.

Casa inchiriata este poarta secreta catre alta lume, care creste ca o tumoare in carnea realitatii, transformand locurile si oamenii in ceva ingrozitor si strain.
Pentru David si parintii lui, casa de pe colina este un...

Brussolo este enigma imposibil de clasat a literaturii franceze, creatorul ei baroc si unic.

joi, 16 iunie 2011

Asher Neal - Cowl

Asher Neal - Cowl

(2004, ro, 730pg)

The story focuses on Cowl, who was genetically engineered to be the pinnacle of human evolution but is now the nemesis of the Heliothane Dominion, the ruling body of humanity. The Heliothanes have genetically enhanced themselves to the point where they can barely be called normal humans anymore, being dramatically faster and stronger. Leading another branch of evolved humanity, the Umbrathanes, Cowl blows up Callisto and uses the energy released to fuel a time journey two billion years into the past. Upon discovering no living life on Earth, Cowl believes that he must avoid an omission paradox and jumpstart humanity's evolution, all the while waging war on the Heliothanes and trying to push them down a 'Probability Slope' so they will be unable to travel through time and leave him and his new empire at the top of the slope.

Cowl uses his Torbeast, sending it travelling through time dropping its scales. Each scale is a self-contained organic time machine that bonds to a human dragging them back through time to Cowl as a sample. He uses these human samples to monitor the effect he is making on the future to conduct his research. Once tested, the human is of no use to Cowl and is dumped; left to die in the poisonous atmosphere of Earth's ancient past.

In the twenty second century, a prostitute named Polly is pulled into a scheme against the ruling government, U-Gov by a soldier, Nandra, who's squad was slaughtered by the tor beast for being near the tor it dropped. Nandra implants Polly with his military AI, his 'muse', and forces her to assist U-Gov agent, Tack, who is a cloned agent in arranging a transaction, a large sum of money for the tor. The transaction goes off, but then Nandra tricks Tack's team and Polly accidentally is bonded to the Tor, along with Tack, who is dragged through time with her, gaining a tor of his own. Tack is captured by Saphothere, a Heliothane who forces him to assist him in fighting against Cowl while Polly is sent through history back towards Cowl, with Nandra now stuck in the Muse AI, guiding her along the way.

Max Tucker - I hope they serve beer in hell

Max Tucker - I hope they serve beer in hell

(en, 2006, 267pg)

I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell is a freaking hilariously great book. Anyone who has a strong stomach and loves seeing a man’s disgusting lifestyle exposed for everyone else's amusement: Go out and read this book! You will literally laugh until you’re in extreme amounts of agonizing pain, crying tears of freaking hilarity, while not being able to catch your breath.

It’s that damn awesome of a silly read. Tucker’s adventures with rednecks, military assassins, and conversations with gay men about post-operations are hysterical, but very gross. This book was like a train wreck for me: It was so freaking horrible, but I couldn’t look away.

Tucker Max is indeed an asshole, dickhead, and a genuine shit bag, and he’s bluntly honest about his very flawed and screwed up life, which makes him oddly likable as a person. Go figure. That is, if your one of the few people who is actually able to include him in the human category or sub-category…most people would classify him as parasite, including my own mother when I told her about this book. (Source)

luni, 6 iunie 2011

Robert A. Heinlein - Luna e o doamnă crudă

Robert A. Heinlein - Luna e o doamnă crudă

(1965, ro, 789pg)

„Luna e o doamna cruda” e o nuvela stiintifico-fantastica scrisa, in 1966, de scriitorul american Robert A. Heinlein. Are ca subiect revolta coloniilor lunare impotriva Pamantului. Nuvela pune in discutie diverse idei liberale ce sunt prezentate intr-un context speculativ.

Intriga povestirii contine 3 elemente ce contribuie la statutul ei de lucrare unica de science-fiction. Primul element e revolutia, unul dintre fundalurile excelente pentru orice opera de arta si care permite oportunitati multiple de a oferi cititorului emotiile fundamentale ale omului. Cel de al doilea element e abordarea subiectului Inteligentei Artificiale, dar intr-o maniera tulburatoare si profunda. Iar ultimul element e descrierea unui viitor posibil, dar care ar fi imposibil de comunicat daca nu ar exista cunostintele si expertizele tehnice ale lui Heinlein. Luat pe cont propriu, oricare dintre aceste elemente nu ar fi decat o simpla repetare a unor idei deja uzate de multi scriitori. (Sursa:

Nick Begich - Angels Don't Play This Haarp: Advances in Tesla Technology

Nick Begich - Angels Don't Play This Haarp: Advances in Tesla Technology

(en, 2004, 221pg)

From a rural location in Alaska, controlled by "Big Oil", the US government is blasting billions of watts of high frequency microwave energy at our protective ionospheric shell which surrounds the earth. Their offical reason is "to see what it does". Several acres of Alaskan land have been dedicated to the construction of the HAARP array (you can actually find a picture of it online...)but it's real purpose runs from the practical (earth tomography (X-ray the earth to look for enemy submarines and secret underground bases)) through the hard to believe (transmission of electrical power without wires (Tesla's idea) through the insane (the complete disruption of global communications and mucking with weather patterns by shifting the jet stream).

This book is so well documented, often citing documents published by the US government itself, that it is absolutely convincing and frightening.

(Amazon, 15$)