marți, 30 august 2011

Michael Brooks - 13 Things That Don't Make Sense

Michael Brooks - 13 Things That Don't Make Sense

(254pg, en, 2008)

Spanning disciplines from biology to cosmology, chemistry to psychology to physics, Michael Brooks thrillingly captures the excitement of scientific discovery. Science’s best-kept secret is this: even today, there are experimental results that the most brilliant scientists cannot explain. In the past, similar “anomalies” have revolutionized our world. If history is any precedent, we should look to today’s inexplicable results to forecast the future of science. Michael Brooks heads to the scientific frontier to confront thirteen modern-day anomalies and what they might reveal about tomorrow’s breakthroughs.

William Diehl - Fiinţa răului

William Diehl - Fiinţa răului

(671pg, ro, 1993)

Aaron Stampler, un tinar cu infatisare angelica, este gasit de politie plin de singe si cu un cutit in mina linga cadavrul oribil mutilat al unui arhiepiscop. Inevitabilul proces - de la care lumea asteapta o singura sentinta: scaunul electric - aduce in prim-plan un avocat care, ajutat de un psihiatru, incearca sa dovedeasca nebunia clientului sau in momentul comiterii crimei. De aceasta data intrebarea "vinovat sau nevinovat?" presupune o fantastica sondare in adincul traumelor sufletesti dublate de obsesii, patimi etc., dar si incursiuni indiscrete in existenta cucernicului arhiepiscop.